
Parrish Wilson Creative

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i can't believe i get to do this... BIG news!!

Happy Sunday Reader, This is a long one... I've got lots of stuff to say today! Let's start here: I feel like I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure out who I am and what I’m supposed to do… perhaps this is the curse of the neurodivergent: we spend so much of our time trying to be what other people want us to be that we have no idea who we really are. My therapist describes it as being born with one foot still in the spirit world, while the other is here on Earth with some serious WTF...

Hi Reader, If you're a business owner, like me, I know one of your biggest struggles when it comes to marketing is actually sitting down to create content - to write that blog post, the email newsletter, or pump out social posts. Even tougher, if you’re going to write for your audience you want it to be good, meaningful, authentic and connecting - not something you rush to do while waiting in the school pick up line (preferably, I mean sometimes you do what you gotta do). So how do you fit in...

Happy Sunday Reader, I've honestly never loved writing something more than this funny feminist dating memoir! It is so fun to go through my ridiculous dating stories... some more heartwarming than others... some head-shakers... all entertaining, I hope! Today I want to share another excerpt with you. This one is a little more intimate... even a little sexy, less funny... I'm not sure yet how sexy the book will really get as I'm tempted to sneak in a little feminist erotica... but for now, how...

I wanted to write you something wise, witty and wonderful, Reader, but damn if my brain is TIRED! I’m in the midst of the June mom-marathon, with the additional load of my own mother moving and my kid's dad being away on a work trip. Just a little extra on top of all the end of year activities, the 4 evenings/week soccer season, birthdays and fundraisers…. Mama’s just a little worn out! And when I'm feeling like that, there's very little creative flow. Rather, a whole lot of get it done...

Hi Reader, This Sunday I'm sharing in a different way. Last week I was a guest on Janet Sandberg's Phoenix Wisdom Podcast which raises awareness about suicide and shares stories in hopes of reaching those who need to hear from someone who survived. I've shared a lot about my mental health struggles but little about my suicidal thoughts, even though they are so common for women with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). In fact, over 30% of women with PMDD will make a suicide attempt at some...

Hi Reader, Last week and over the weekend, I resisted writing you a mother’s day email. I even carved out time for it, but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to write a positive, hopeful email and then end up spending the day overwhelmed by expectations and feeling taken for granted. I didn’t want to tell you I was going to be so chill and happy, and then end up crying in the bathroom. It is my luteal phase, after all. But I’m proud to inform you that didn’t happen (cuz it’s happened plenty of...

Hi again Reader, Receiving all the feedback on my memoir excerpt has been so encouraging, meaningful and helpful! Thank you for receiving it so warmly. Thank you, thank you! It filled my heart right up. I also want to clear something up because many people responded with “well obviously you don’t want to date that guy”, as if asking him to leave was an obvious next step. Excellent feedback and proof the piece is just a draft that needs editing, because actually… I asked him to leave in the...

It's Sunday Reader!! I haven't sent you an email in a while but I've been writing! Oh yes, I have! I knew at the beginning of the year that I needed to write more. I needed to write more to reconnect with myself, feel fulfilled and process some shit. But the writing I needed to do wasn't, maybe, "on brand". That's the thing when you run a business, all the creative pieces are supposed to fit together to develop a certain image, your personal brand. I've been wrestling with this personal brand...

Happy sunny Sunday Reader, I gotta say... phew, I’m happy to be through winter! I like it, I really do. I like the hibernation. I like not feeling guilty about spending hours on the couch with a book. I like winter. And I get the winter blues. The last couple months have been tough for me. Dark, introspective. But the depth was worth it, the reflection, the honouring, the reverence for all that hurts. It did me well. I now feel myself emerging, to be honest from a cocoon I’ve been in for...

Hello Reader! A snowy Sunday in February... it's been a challenging month thus far with sickness and extra solo parenting... kinda feels like I'm just coming up for air... what a doozy it's been... Oh yeah, and this big emotional thing that happened a couple weeks ago... I was feeling a little overwhelmed by it so I wrote it out... that always helps. Brave Hearts Make Big Apologies A couple weeks ago, I had a heart-changing conversation. It was beautiful, healing and full of love. It was a...