a bit more clarity on the Valentine's guy

Hi again Reader,

Receiving all the feedback on my memoir excerpt has been so encouraging, meaningful and helpful! Thank you for receiving it so warmly. Thank you, thank you! It filled my heart right up.

I also want to clear something up because many people responded with “well obviously you don’t want to date that guy”, as if asking him to leave was an obvious next step. Excellent feedback and proof the piece is just a draft that needs editing, because actually…

I asked him to leave in the MIDDLE of dinner. He didn’t even get to finish his pot roast or whatever it was. He was like mid bite, homemade from scratch cake still sitting on the counter uncut. This wasn’t a polite denial at the end of the night. It was a cut throat, no bullshit, get-out-of-my-house-without-finishing-your-dinner kind of move.

I told you, no mercy.

I’ll have fun making those edits. :)

I can help you edit your stuff too, if you want.

For some people, a component of therapeutic writing is sharing their story with others, and for those who feel drawn to that, I offer trauma-informed developmental editing services along with writing therapy.

Sharing our stories in safe spaces heals trauma because you're having your truth witnessed by others, and receiving validation, care and even celebration of your triumph over it. The practice of sharing also heals through its capacity to help others by raising awareness and breaking down stigma.

When I started this email list 10+ years ago, that’s what I was doing. I was writing about the challenges of the early stages of motherhood, managing my mental health and a really tough toddler (later diagnosed Autistic and with severe Crohn's disease, and not so difficult now that he has proper treatment!).

I wrote because that’s how I’d always processed my feelings, and I shared it online because it felt so helpful to do so. At that time, not many people were writing openly and honestly about how hard mothering was and it got me noticed. Women appreciated my candour and I received messages everyday thanking me for showing them they aren't struggling alone.

That exchange, my vulnerability <<>> their gratitude, it healed a part of me.

This writing therapy stuff, it’s powerful, Reader. If you’re into it, whether you want to publish your piece or just keep it between you and I, reply to this email and we can chat about how we can work together.

Maybe it’s time to let writing work its magic on you.

Take care,


Parrish Wilson Creative

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