My PMDD story (TW: suicide)

Hi Reader,

This Sunday I'm sharing in a different way. Last week I was a guest on Janet Sandberg's Phoenix Wisdom Podcast which raises awareness about suicide and shares stories in hopes of reaching those who need to hear from someone who survived.

I've shared a lot about my mental health struggles but little about my suicidal thoughts, even though they are so common for women with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). In fact, over 30% of women with PMDD will make a suicide attempt at some point in their lives!! Which means PMDD awareness is suicide prevention and I knew I had to go on Janet's podcast when I met her a few months ago.

Please, listen to my story and share it with the people with uteruses in your life who experience big moods, depression and anxiety, and share it with the people who love those folks too. I believe so many are struggling with moods that sync up to specific times in their cycle.

When you know this is what's happening you can plan appropriately for the mood, and prevent so much pain, heartache and struggle. So take a listen to my story on the Phoenix Wisdom Podcast: Living with PMDD

On Spotify

On Apple

On YouTube (no video)

Take good care,


Parrish Wilson Creative

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