a kissing story....

Happy Sunday Reader,

I've honestly never loved writing something more than this funny feminist dating memoir! It is so fun to go through my ridiculous dating stories... some more heartwarming than others... some head-shakers... all entertaining, I hope!

Today I want to share another excerpt with you. This one is a little more intimate... even a little sexy, less funny... I'm not sure yet how sexy the book will really get as I'm tempted to sneak in a little feminist erotica... but for now, how about a simple little kissing story....

The date has been excellent. We’re tucked in this little cubby in the pub. I like the privacy of it, although I’ve been a little distracted because my back is to the rest of the restaurant and that weirds me out a bit. Sitting across from me, he’s facing toward the restaurant. Definitely the better spot. I have tried not to spend too much time thinking about how much I want to switch seats, or move to sit beside him.

But sitting beside him… I think that should be saved for a future date because I like this guy and if I sit there next to him I’m going to get handsy. I have very little self-control when faced with a smart, handsome man.

Since I’m not getting handsy, I’m getting antsy. I want the date to end so we can kiss in the parking lot. I can’t really think about anything else now. My ADHD brain does that, gets stuck on an idea and has room for nothing else. I feel like I may be fumbling my way through these last bits of conversation with my mind focused on kissing potential.

We’re outside now… I’m walking toward my car which is parked at the far end of the lot. We pause somewhere in the middle. The lot is much emptier than when I arrived, the pub close to closing. I wonder if he’s going to kiss me. He touched my shoulder in the restaurant when he came back from the restroom. If he’d do that, I think he’ll kiss me. He has a nice confidence about him. Confident without the bravado. I wonder how hard he’s had to work for that or if it’s just the way he is.

Standing there in the parking lot, he hugs me and I turn my face up toward his. He kisses me lightly on the lips and my whole body responds, pushing toward him. His hand is on my hip and pulls me firmly against him. That hand and its firmness sends another rush through my body and I melt just a little. He says something about things not getting out of hand, I think, and we step apart.

I’m sure we both drove home smiling.

It’s a few days later. Our second date has ended, another stimulating conversation over food I can’t finish because I have too much to say and too many questions to ask. Finishing meals in the early stages of dating is not in my skill set.

I walked to the brewery to meet him so he would drive me home. I’m hoping for a little car make-out session. I’m curious if that firm hand on my hip was a one-off or if that’s how he’s going to touch me.

We’re now parked in front of my house. He drove here from the brewery with his hand on my leg. I have kept my hands to myself cuz, you know, I get handsy. I turn to him and smile. We both lean in to kiss. When we kissed in the parking lot they were excellent kisses but they were light, our tongues never touched. I wonder now, as our lips graze, if our tongues will touch this time, how that will feel.

Kissing in a car is fun but challenging too. I want my body up against his but there’s a console in the way. We kiss deeper, the inevitable tongue touch happens. His hands are in the hair at the back of my neck. I happily note their firmness.

Hehehehehe... just a little fun one for you ;)

'til next time!


P.S. Yes, I wrote this during Write With Me. If you want to make more time to write, that's the way to do it!

Parrish Wilson Creative

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