the 3 women writers keeping me grounded amidst the June chaos

I wanted to write you something wise, witty and wonderful, Reader, but damn if my brain is TIRED!

I’m in the midst of the June mom-marathon, with the additional load of my own mother moving and my kid's dad being away on a work trip. Just a little extra on top of all the end of year activities, the 4 evenings/week soccer season, birthdays and fundraisers….

Mama’s just a little worn out! And when I'm feeling like that, there's very little creative flow. Rather, a whole lot of get it done energy (thank goodness!).

But amidst it all, I make sure I'm staying connected to the things that are important to me, even if just a little bit. This way I know I'm still ME amidst the chaos. Since the wise words of wisdom aren't flowing this week, I thought I'd share a few of those things with you, as perhaps you'll appreciate them too:

Each of these has given me a moment (or moments) of pause this week to tend to my own need for meaning and fulfillment. Making sure we are finding meaning and fulfillment in our lives is key to our mental health and well-being, and spending even just a few minutes on something truly important to you can change the mood of the whole day.

In the next couple weeks, I'm going to be telling you about Write With Me, the new writer's membership program I've started. If more writing time would bring more meaning and fulfillment into your life Reader, watch for those emails.

K that's it from me for now. Check out those awesome women and their writing, and take care of you, for real, ok?

'til next time,


Parrish Wilson Creative

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