for the biz writers

Hi Reader,

If you're a business owner, like me, I know one of your biggest struggles when it comes to marketing is actually sitting down to create content - to write that blog post, the email newsletter, or pump out social posts.

Even tougher, if you’re going to write for your audience you want it to be good, meaningful, authentic and connecting - not something you rush to do while waiting in the school pick up line (preferably, I mean sometimes you do what you gotta do).

So how do you fit in quality writing time?

It's not easy (!!!) which is why I created Write Joyfully way back in 2014, and why I’ve created Write With Me now.

When your writing time is scheduled in your calendar and you know other people are going to be there at that specific time to write too, it’s so much more likely that you’ll show up. It’s so much more likely that you’ll get your butt in that chair, close down your distractions, and put the words on the page.

So. Much. More. Likely.

Call it accountability. Call it body doubling. Call it connection. Whatever. It works.

Kim was just telling me last week that I'm now the antecedent that triggers her focus behaviour. The Zoom starts, I take us through the grounding practice and her mind clears for powerful writing. Imagine getting to experience that once, twice, three times a week, every week... having the time and clarity to complete your content weekly, in good company.

Together, we make it happen. That blog post, that email newsletter… whatever you gotta write babe, you can get it done during Write With Me.

Cuz that's what I just did... this email has been drafted and scheduled, with 5 minutes still to spare, in this morning's writing session. I also took some time first to journal, and do a bit of research on creative writing grants. Another good use of a 90 minute Write With Me session!

Hope to see you on Zoom!


Parrish Wilson Creative

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